Response to "As We May Think" & "Long Live the Web"

While reading “As We May Think” by Vannevar Bush I was amazed by the accuracy of some of the predictions Bush made about the development of technologies such as photography and phones. It was interesting to read the descriptions of how he believed technologies like the “memex” would be created and developed. I was also intrigued to learn about what people thought about technology and its possibilities in a world that looks completely different yet still kind of similar to the one we live in right now. All of these made me wonder what living life without the inventions we have today would be like?

When reading “Long Live the Web” by Tim Berners Lee I learned about the multiple concerns that people have about the direction that the World Wide Web is currently taking. Through this article I was able to learn a lot about the basics of how the Web works and about what kind of actions are negatively affecting it. It was interesting to hear Lee’s opinions on what the right ways of using and interacting with the Web are, as well as his recommendations for how it could be further developed.